Why you need a personal trainer
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Thursday, May 12, 2016
By Lew Everling, Personal Trainer Cedar Falls
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Why you need a Personal Trainer….

Personal trainers provide appropriate exercise, within a safe environment to lead you on a course to optimum health. Personal trainers have met the qualifications of recognized accredited associations along with continuing education to stay up to date on the latest advances in training and technology.

We are all familiar with the obesity problem developing and it’s only getting worse as 1 in 4 Americans live a sedentary lifestyle, as waistlines get bigger budgets get smaller and the first things to be eliminated in schools nationwide are physical education programs. We also complain about test scores going down, and well quite frankly it would only seem natural as we know that a strong body leads to a strong mind!

Sedentary lifestyles are proven to lead to ton of health problems, yet it continues 

Sedentary lifestyles are proven to lead to ton of health problems, yet it continues. Exercise, has been proven to provide numerous health benefits to all ages, it’s time to get active, teach others and get that booty moving!

Why you need personal training is pretty darn simple, to keep you challenging yourself, pushing you to limits with subtle guidance, gentle but firm nudges and safe training environments. Your body will go wherever you let your mind take it, once you believe you can, you can! It’s that easy, well maybe not, the gym can be a bit intimidating at first, and even overwhelming for some. Trainers will make that easy for you, helping establish some goals, keeping you on task and providing you with the best path to give you the ultimate success. Regular fitness routines, can reduce your risk of future medical problems, as well as increase your everyday happiness, what are you waiting for, call your trainer today.

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