Thursday, May 12, 2016
By Lew Everling, Personal Trainer Cedar Falls
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It’s been 3 weeks, why haven’t I lost all that weight!

Well it really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to calculate this, but it is a question that is often asked! “I want to lose 50lbs in 3 months for my XYZ event” never mind the fact it took 8 years to gain the additional weight, why would anyone think it’s going to be gone in less time without any effort? “I want to lose 50lbs in 3 months for my XYZ event” 

There are a ton of quick diet fads out there that promise the world, complete with an easy button! Sure you’ll lose some weight, cheat yourself of many macro and micro nutrients that your body definitely needs! Sure, you’ll lose some scale weight, a little fat, much needed muscle mass and water weight to make a quick loss. However, the long term affect is weight will come storming back and then some! Skinny FAT is not SEXY!

Skinny FAT is not SEXY! Be patient, build muscle, burn fat and balance your diet! Be stronger than your excuses and every element of your life will become more balanced! It’s much easier to carry around 40 pounds of muscle than 40 pounds of fat any day.

Watch for many easy recipes coming soon, and we are glad to help you develop custom meal plan and fitness program tailored to fit you! 

Thursday, May 12, 2016
By Lew Everling, Personal Trainer Cedar Falls
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After losing a significant amount of weight, the big question became, how’d you do that, I mean how’d you really do it? I won’t tell anyone your secret, I just need to lose a few pounds, would you tell me? Many truly wanted to ignore that fact there was dedication and hard work involved, never mind the fact I had been training for 2 hours a day 6 days a week for the previous 7 months and remained very active even on the “off” days. My running comment became to those who wanted the easy way was this, I just drink 8 ounces of boiled hot dog water, 2-3 times per day, and nothing sparks my metabolism like that, I can then eat whatever I want.

I just drink 8 ounces of boiled hot dog water, 2-3 times per day

Seriously, there is no magic pill, nothing at all! There is nothing that will give you the miracle overnight weight loss, healthy life. There was once a food poising episode that caused a 19 pound loss overnight. However, I’ll digress no more, just be aware there will be those who simply will not accept your hard work and dedication has led to your success. This is something you’ll encounter more often than you may think, be proud of YOUR accomplishments. Now when asked what do you take? I take the time to get off my ass and change my life!

Of course I am joking, and no hot dogs were harmed or eaten at all during the experiment, and hot dog water in no way has anything to do with losing weight, however it does make for some great expressions of the faces of so many.

While others want the quick fix and apply an easy button, that's not your style. Remember, fitness has no finish line, why not COMMIT TO GET FIT today, and show me what you've got! Share your story here, become the ATHLETE you've always wanted to be!

Thursday, May 12, 2016
By Lew Everling, Personal Trainer Cedar Falls
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What would you do if I asked you to carry an extra 40, 50, 60 or maybe even 100 extra pounds around with you for all your daily activities? No putting it down, it must be with you everywhere! You’d probably think I was crazy, and say absolutely no way!

Would you carry around an extra 40 pound bag around for the next month?

One response was “heck no, that would kill me” and yeah guess what it just might. The general consensus is that not one person wants to carry that around at all, yet everyday millions carry that extra weight around via a spare tire in the mid-section of the body without giving it a second thought. I've done it, I’ll admit and why I have no idea I did, just a matter of convenience.

Currently 1/3 of US adults are classified as Obese, and the phrase "I'm just big boned" is absolute BULL HOCKEY! Nothing more than an excuse, to cover for poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. So stop making excuses, quit hiding behind the "I'm busy" line if you can spend an hour watching The Blacklist or Peaky Blinders or whatever the fad show of the week is, you can spend 30 minutes working on yourself. You only have one body, take care of it, I'm often surprised at how much time is spent taking care of a car or motorcycle while the one vessel that allows you to enjoy those very things goes neglected. [tweetthis]I'm surprised at time spent taking care of a motorcycle yet the body goes neglected. #candoit2[/tweetthis]

Just 150 minutes per week can help reduce your chances of heart disease, diabetes, stress and many other health related issues, if you don't do it for yourself do it for those who love you and depend on you, set the example for your kids and family. The life you extend, benefits so many others, take the commit to get fit pledge today and live the life you deserve.

Thursday, May 12, 2016
By Lew Everling, Personal Trainer Cedar Falls
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Upon returning from the trip it was just about time for the triathlon, and the preparations were all in place, I was fit as a fiddle. Although I must tell the funny stories of the trip home, first in the airport LAX someone thought I was Mickey Rourke, wanted an autograph and photo, I had to show my ID to prove I wasn’t. While I was quite flattered, they still wanted the photo and autograph in case I became famous. Hopefully they saw my commercial! Then the flight home, was an extremely turbulent one, the Midwest was full of tornadoes that season, and we felt it at 35,000 feet. Seated in the tail of the plane it was even more noticeable, as we made the approach for a pit stop in St. Louis due to lots of storms and circling Indianapolis awaiting a tornado to clear the area, the plane took a dip, a severe one at that, when we made the second crazy bounce the young lady seated next to me gripped my arm with the fiercest of grips, let out a scream and then a sigh of relief looked at me and said, OOOOHHH I’m so sorry, please don’t tell my husband he would be so mad, ha I asked if he was on the plane, she replied no, well I think your safe as I won’t be returning to LA for some time and I have no idea who your are, so it’ll be ok. Anyway, traveling has often been amusing, and always exciting.

The triathlon day was almost here, I had ran, I had biked, I had weight trained to build for the swimming as best that I could. Swimming was the weak point as I didn’t have a training facility for that, and its never been my strong point, I knew that and I was going with the mind over matter principle to get through it. I’ve always believed in the power of positive. I had to be on the road at 5 am to hit the race on time, I’m packing up my bike, when my father says to me, what are you going to do about swimming, you know you aren’t a swimmer? Well pops, I really hadn’t worried about that until now, now that you mentioned. It’ll be ok, I can get through don’t you worry about it.

I was going with the mind over matter. I've always believed in the power of positive

The race begins, and wow, what an adrenaline rush! I’m out in the water giving it my best, of course the triathlon club is passing me but I’m holding my own, at the 2/3<sup>rd</sup>s point all I see in my visualization is my father saying, hey you aren’t a swimmer, what are you going to do? I began to flounder, suddenly I wasn’t going anywhere, I paused and treaded water, and here comes the life raft. Oh no, this is not how I wanted this to go, they were ready to haul me in, and I asked for just a moment to clear my thoughts, shake out the negative and move on. Guess what? I finished the swim, and on to the biking, smooth transition. I love to bike, but man did the swim drain me, and right out of the gate I heard about ONE MILE HILL, I thought ok, I know of a subdivision called 4 mile hill so must be a landmark. I was wrong, as I turned the corner hit the highway that began ONE MILE HILL, it was ONE MILE STRAIGHT UP, I MEAN STRAIGHT UP! Ok maybe not straight but it was one large long hill I get over the top and find out my water bottle and supplement pack had fallen off, all I can think is surely they will have some water along the route, of which I thought WRONG! There wasn’t a bit of water on that bike run, not one! Not even a place to stop to buy some or beg but I made it, I caught people and passed several had my swim not been slower I wouldn’t have been that far behind, my goal wasn’t to ever really win anything but simply finish for the sake of saying I had done it, however now the competitive spirit hit me and I wanted more! Now it’s time to transition to the run, oh yeah, only 3.5 more miles but that’s ok, I can do this thing. THERE IS WATER! WOOHOO I NEEDED IT and someone had found my water bottle and supplement pack too and brought it to the station. Off to the run, there were 10 water locations in the 3.5 miles amazing enough, I hit every one of them. What amazed me most was the support of total strangers along the roadside, cheering us on approaching the finish line and various areas through the course. I think that’s what I loved most about it, was people encouraging people, unconditionally those people where excited in each individual athletes success! Yes, you are an athlete and you must think of yourself from this point as an athlete! I will talk more about this later as its very important to keep you on track from here on out!

The race is over, I won my age division for the 40-45 group and came in 3<sup>rd</sup> in the 35-40 group somehow I was in both since I hadn’t yet reached 40 but was within 30 days of my birthday. I finished that was my goal, and did it under 2 hours 45 minutes quite possibly 2:44 haha, but I finished. My heart rate monitor showed I burned in excess of 8000 calories and my body could tell. After the race I had the buffet of fruit, bagels, yogurts, cookies, water, more water and more bagels. Packed up the gear and left, after a wrong turn and detour of 30 minutes I was starving again, there was a Dairy Queen, it and a Blizzard called my name, as did a burger and it was great! Now I’m on the opposite side of Lafayette, Indiana 30 minutes later I’m on the east side and making my way home, and yes I’m hungry again, so two Big Macs called my name and now I can make the 45 minute drive home. 45 minutes and yes, I was starving again, and the Big Mac crave was on, I had 2 more and it was time for a shower and a nap. The shower felt amazing, the nap didn’t go that long and it was time for me to photograph a softball game, I prepped a healthy meal this time and off to work. The hunger was raging, the volunteer fire department was grilling burgers along the home team side, and I was downwind. I couldn’t resist I asked the guy how much, and he said 2 bucks, I said give me 3 man, I’ll be down between innings just add pickle and onion. The ballgame was great, I even grabbed a pizza on the way home! I deserved it, on the weigh in on Tuesday, I had lost 6 pounds and still felt great! Treat yourself once in a while, I had accomplished a goal, more on goals to come as we continue. (to be continued…..) is my journey from fit to fat to fit again, and again. I’ve had 8 years to look back on how I let myself fall from the fitness wagon, this has given me time to figure out where, and how I went wrong, and how I can do better this time. I know that I’m not the only person who’s ever struggled, this time I want to help others get back on track or simply start. January 9th, 2015 I officially committed to get fit, since then I’ve dropped 31 pounds and I’ve passed my International Sports Sciences Association Certified Fitness Trainer exam, and will be offering personal training services and more soon.  Lots information and assistance will be coming to this site as well, progress photos, tips, recipes and family fit ideas as well. Be sure to subscribe and be the first to get the updates. Follow me on Twitter @LewCandoit2 for daily updates

Thursday, May 12, 2016
By Lew Everling, Personal Trainer Cedar Falls
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The commercial was quite an experience, as it was postponed, then moved around etc. Originally the crew was to flight out and shoot my segment in my town, surroundings etcetera. However due to scheduling it was changed, it became easier to fly everyone out to the Hollywood and do it all at once. By the time the commercial was ready to roll, I had now lost 125 pounds with the intense training I had been doing. I must say what an experience, it was first class and true Hollywood all the way, what a great time, getting to go out on the town, with Mari Windsor and her husband for dinner, meeting other successful Pilates users, share stories and here their excitement. First night there started with wardrobe then dinner, and wardrobe was an experience. I took my clothes in and of course I had some crazy cool pants, funky shirt, flip flops to complete the attire, the director says ok ummm where are your real clothes, well I’m wearing them actually and these others are what you requested. The response was crazy, “these are too California for Indiana, you are from Indiana right?” yes, that I am ma’am and this is what I wear. “No, no, that’s’ not how Indiana people dress and they don’t have tattoos like that” so really you are telling me that I dress differently? “Yes, we can’t use those clothes in your commercial we will send Bob out to get the appropriate clothes for you” my only question was but if we are in California how are you gonna get some Indiana clothes for me? The day’s not starting off to well at this point ha, then I have to jab one more time to say but you all in Hollywood paint a picture of us in Indiana without ever visiting, so how would you really know what we are like? I made the shit list, bada bam right off the bat I had landed with an impression!

6am set call is on for the next morning, the hotel it was in was nothing short of incredible, a view of Santa Monica Pier, and the entire Pacific Ocean, the most comfortable bed I had ever slept in, with 1000 count threaded sheets, pillow topped, it was like sleeping on a cloud. The shower with multiple port shower heads, seats, and giant tiles, well I was in disbelief and yet totally at home, I knew upon my arrival back in Indiana I definitely needed some upgraded sheets, and bed at least! Arriving on set at Panavision studios was pretty awesome, The studio that produced many blockbusters, stars photos lined the hallways and there I was, I even drew the short straw and was first up to go, however my Indiana clothes hadn’t arrived. I was ready however and couldn’t wait to get it going. There were 6 of us participating, in the end I went second due to my clothing change, which they brought me the ever classic welders denim shirt with pearl covered snap buttons, and piping on the chest which they then green screened me in front of the classic red round barn, which ironically looked like a stock photo image of a barn that I grew up not far from. I did my testimonial in two takes, the first one  I was coaxed by the director to do something funny to mock the producers that changed my clothes, so I quickly came up with a line, and a tooth pick in my mouth with my best hillbilly accent and spouted, “Hi I’m Lew Everling, and I used ta be real ppphaaT{sic} then I met Mari Windsor and she took care of all that!” the director found it funny as did all the unsuspecting onlookers, however the producers were pissed and shouted about having limited film and costs etc. I then did the perfect take on number two and they said oh well we should do a third just in case it’s better. Hey, what can I say I’m a professional I didn’t need any more than one take but we did it anyway and the previous was the best. It was truly an awesome experience, everyone was so cool, the staff gave me a tour of how the cameras were made, and various other studios that were on location.

the director says ok ummm where are your real clothes, well I’m wearing them actually is my journey from fit to fat to fit again, and again. I’ve had 8 years to look back on how I let myself fall from the fitness wagon, this has given me time to figure out where, and how I went wrong, and how I can do better this time. I know that I’m not the only person who’s ever struggled, this time I want to help others get back on track or simply start. January 9th, 2015 I officially committed to get fit, since then I’ve dropped 31 pounds and I’ve passed my International Sports Sciences Association Certified Fitness Trainer exam, and will be offering personal training services and more soon.  Lots information and assistance will be coming to this site as well, progress photos, tips, recipes and family fit ideas as well. Be sure to subscribe and be the first to get the updates. Follow me on Twitter @LewCandoit2 for daily updates